
Showing posts from July, 2010

About Drama & Theatre.

Drama What is drama? And how do you write about it? Drama is tension. In the context of a play in a theatre, tension often means that the audience is expecting something to happen between the characters on stage. Will they shoot each other? Will they finally confess their undying love for one another? Will Oedipus figure out that he was the one that caused the plague by killing his father and sleeping with his mother? For instructors in academic departments, whether the classes are about theatrical literature, theater history, performance studies, acting, or technical aspects of a production, writing about drama often means finding reasons why and how the plays we watch are filled with tension and excitement. Of course, one particular production may not be as exciting as it's supposed to be. In fact, it may not be exciting at all. Writing about drama can also involve figuring out why and how a production went horribly, horribly wrong. Two of our other hand...